
Bush Government Outlaws Public Discussion of "Sexual Stimulation"

New Bush Policy: Ban Sex, All Gays Should Be Celibate
Earlier this year, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced new guidelines for organizations applying for grants for abstinence-only education programs.

In addition to being costly, inaccurate, and ineffective, the programs must now operate under a strict new definition of abstinence:
Abstinence curricula must have a clear definition of sexual abstinence which must be consistent with the following: “Abstinence means voluntarily choosing not to engage in sexual activity until marriage. Sexual activity refers to any type of genital contact or sexual stimulation between two persons including, but not limited to, sexual intercourse.”
Later, the guidelines explicitly define marriage:
Throughout the entire curriculum, the term “marriage” must be defined as “only a legal union between one man and one woman as a husband and wife, and the word ’spouse’ refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife.” (Consistent with Federal law)
Nice, no wonder they like killing some much. the Bush administration has decided that you should be taught to never, ever engage in “any type” of “sexual stimulation” — ever.

Beware Those Godless Gay Lovin' OWLS

According to the wonderful folk at the Discovery Network, (the source of our last post) and their online database of America's real enemies, Laurie Young is the worst kinda of scum.......

Laurie Young is the Executive Director of the Older Women's League (OWL), a grassroots feminist organization that claims to focus on issues of importance to the more than 58 million American women aged 40 and over. Founded in 1980, OWL is comprised of 73 state and local chapters nationwide. According to OWL, the organization's 15,000 members consist of "women and men of all ages dedicated to winning economic, health, and social equity for midlife and older women." The majority of these members are women over the age of 60; many of them are labor union retirees. Through advocacy initiatives, public outreach programs, and education campaigns, OWL claims to be "the voice of midlife and older women." In practice, however, OWL is the voice of bigger government, higher taxes, unfettered access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.

Free Republic:The "Illegals Invasion" Hate Mongering


Oh man these guys are super freaky paranoid. Via La Revolusion! Just in case you thought the days of old fashion Klan loving racists were over, just read a few posts on the "Aliens" boards over a Freeperville http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/keyword?k=aliens

Believes that North America was unjustly "stolen" from its rightful owners by white Europeans Rejects the legitimacy of any North or Central American nation named or established by Europeans Advocates open borders Accuses white Europeans of committing genocide against indigenous inhabitants of North America Calls for the expulsion of all whites from North America

The large-scale immigration marches of recent weeks -- most notably the March 25 rally in Los Angeles which drew at least 500,000 participants -- have uniformly condemned HR 4437, sponsored by Wisconsin Republican James Sensenbrenner. This legislation would make it a felony to violate U.S. immigration laws; would make it a crime for American citizens to offer assistance to illegal aliens; and would authorize the construction of a 700-mile security fence along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Among the many groups participating in the Los Angeles protest was the Mexica Movement (MM), an activist immigration organization that does not recognize the United States as a legitimate nation with any right to exist. MM's name is derived from "Mexica" (Meh-shee-kah), which is purportedly the original Aztec way of pronouncing "Mexican."

MM calls itself "the Nican Tlaca (Indigenous) rights educational organization for the people of Anahuac [Ah-nah-wahk]." Anahuac is what the Mexica Movement calls "the true name of our nation," which it says European "invaders" unjustly "stole," carved up, and renamed. MM rejects the legitimacy of all North and Central American nations named or established by Europeans -- including not only the U.S., but also Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Belize. "All of these are false and invalid labels created by trespassers," says MM. "…These artificial divisions of our continent and our people are the result of the last 500 years of European colonialism, Genocide, forced relocations, and other crimes."

The Mexica Movement takes pains to distinguish itself from what it terms "the Spain-centric and error-filled 'Aztlan' … agenda," which calls for Mexico's "re-conquest" of the American Southwest. MM's aims go much farther, seeking "the total liberation of our Anahuac continent ('North America') not just to where the European Spaniards drew their colonial borders on our continent." According to MM, this includes every portion of what are currently called Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Central America.

Given its view that all national borders drawn by European travelers to the New World are illegitimate, the very issue of illegal immigration is, for the Mexica Movement, meaningless. MM views existing borders as the arbitrary constructs of squatters who are illegally occupying land that is not rightfully theirs. (Indeed, MM depicts contemporary European Americans precisely as "illegal squatter descendants" of "pirates.") "This whole continent is our homeland," says MM. "We are not bound by the colonial illegal boundaries of the Europeans … We have no obligation to be foreigners in our own land, on our own continent." In MM's calculus, the entire North American land mass should be open to the unfettered migrations of all its indigenous inhabitants -- who constitute "one Anahuac nation" whose far-flung, disparate populations are linked by "historic[al], cultural, linguistic, and racial factors." By this reasoning, white Americans (like their ancestors before them) are the real "illegals" -- intruders in a land where they do not rightfully belong.

MM describes itself as an "Indigenous rights educational organization for the Nican Tlaca people of the occupied lands of our continent." The ultimate objective of this "education" is to render Europeans "shamed and forced to acknowledge that they are collectively thieves of our continent, Genocidal murderers, and that they are in a criminal occupation, possession, and exploitation of our continent and all of its wealth."

MM summarizes the white European influence in North America as follows: "Terrorism is European colonialism's main tool against Non-European people all over the world. … This first attack was by the pirate-terrorist Columbus and his raping criminal racist thugs. … Colonialism is the European parasitic habitual crime of invading other people's land, stealing their resources, destroying their society, committing genocide against the majority of the people … enslaving the remaining population, and culturally annihilating them. … Racism is a major aspect of European terrorism and colonialism. … No other racism in the history of humanity has killed as much of humanity, enslaved so many, robbed so many …"

In MM's view, the only equitable resolution to this horrific legacy is for Europeans to make "full reparations for our people," "return the continent to its rightful heirs," and "go home to their homeland: Europe." "We are only asking unwelcomed guests to leave our home," explains MM, which likens Europeans to "parasites" and "a cancer" which must "be removed" from Anahuac. Not absolving modern-day Europeans of shared guilt for the crimes of their ancestors, MM says, "These crimes ... are collective European crimes because you have all benefited from these crimes. We will not let you weasel yourselves out of your past crimes or allow you to continue in your current parasitic behavior."

MM's ultimate objective is to restore Anahuac (North America) to the glory it supposedly knew in pre-Columbian times: "We were once a great civilization of large cities, large towns …We were once the greatest astronomers, the greatest mathematicians, a people dedicated to science and logic, law and justice … We were once architects, engineers, doctors, men and women of books, of cities … a people of tremendous industry, vast commerce, men and women of great intellect … morally and ethically superior to any European." "The European Genocide of our people," laments MM, "destroyed our Einsteins, Shakespeares, Newtons, and all of the other possibilities for greatness that our nation had in the last 500 years."

Lamenting further that its ideal of racial purity has been somewhat compromised by the interbreeding that has occurred during the "European colonialism and racism that has enslaved us for over 500 years," MM nonetheless declares: "Being Mixed-blood ... does not stop us from being Nican Tlaca, no matter how 'white' one looks. The shades and physical looks of our Mixed-blood people are just scars from the rape of our nation. These scars do not define us! Our core blood, our Pre-European history, our heritage, and our land are all what define us!" (emphasis in original)

MM's intent is to "win our continent and our lands back through a disciplined united educational liberation war." Toward this end, MM teaches what it calls "the truth of Columbus: thief, murderous savage monster." It condemns "the crimes of the Europeans, genocidal users of biological weapons [that] killed 95% of us." "Smallpox," says MM, "was their favorite weapon. … They also enjoyed doing torture, mutilation, rape, massacres. … We must learn the truth … of the holocaust that happened here to us: 23 million of us killed in Mexico and 'Central America,' 10 million more of us killed in Canada and the 'U.S.' … Genocide. Our Holocaust." In another section of its website, MM says, "In the whole of the Western Hemisphere ('the Americas'), 70 to 100 million of our people were killed, mostly using biological warfare in the form of smallpox."
Characterizing "the white man" as "the thief," "the occupier," and "the enslaver," MM views the legalization of all illegal immigrants as a crucial step in the Nican Tlaca quest to regain "control" of Anahuac. As MM explains, this is simply a matter of demographics: "The white man's days on our continent are limited. … Remember that our numbers are growing in 'The United States of America' [the sneer quotes indicate MM's underlying premise that the U.S. does not exist in any morally valid sense]. We were only 4% in the 1970 census. We were 14% in the 2000 census. ... We will easily be the majority of the population of the 'USA' in 2100. … This is our continent … it will be ours again, in our control."

While working toward that long-range goal, MM counsels its people to steadfastly eschew any impulse to assimilate into America's illegitimate society or to embrace its inherently corrupt values. "We are educating our people against the ignorant suicidal assimilation into European blood and culture," says MM. "… Assimilation is the slow motion kill. Assimilation means marrying white to kill the brown in us, to kill the heart of us. Assimilation means the end of us. Assimilation sucks us down into the white race. Assimilation kills our race. Assimilation is the death of us. Assimilation is racism. Assimilation is Genocide."

Just as the Mexica Movement rejects the validity of American borders, so does it reject Western-imposed "racist colonial" labels such as "Hispanic" and "Latino" -- terms MM claims were designed to "'kill off' our people's true identity, history, independence, and our rights to our land and its wealth."

MM advocates a form of socialism / communism as an economic ideal, but rejects "European people's Eurocentric Marxist … social agendas [that] ignore or minimize … the ongoing racist crimes of the Europeans." Claiming that Karl Marx himself derived his "best solutions" from "research[ing] … our Nican Tlaca societies," MM says, "We don't need the European Karl Marx interpreting the success of our ancestors' collective societies to us. With proper study, we can interpret ourselves to ourselves a lot better than Mr. Karl Marx."

"But worse than the Marxist approach for our people," says MM, "is the suicidal embrace of individualism, materialism, capitalism, 'Christianity' … Each of these approaches offer us the 'opportunity' to work within colonialism -- and the guaranteed extermination of our people. ... We are today in the process of being digested by the worldwide European empire that has been built on massive piracy, exploitation, lies, oppression, racism, slavery, cultural destruction, and genocide."

Notwithstanding its scathing indictments of white people, MM denies that it is a racist organization. "Racism only comes in when one race oppresses another because of their race," explains MM. "We are not now capable of oppressing Europeans, nor do we intend to oppress Europeans. We intend to educate Europeans on the crimes of their ancestors. We want to show them the injustice of our enslavement to their interests and the ongoing theft of our wealth of the natural resources of our continent."

The Mexica Movement does not confine its activism solely to the goal of returning North America to its pre-Columbian "owners." It is also a staunch supporter of Palestinian militarism and terrorism. MM is a member of the bitterly anti-Israel "Free Palestine Coalition," along with such organizations as the American Arab-Anti-Discrimination Committee, Ramsey Clark's Marxist-Leninist International Action Center, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), the Socialist Workers Party, the Council on American Islamic Relations, the National Lawyers Guild, the Palestinian American Women Association, Veterans For Peace, the Humanitarian Law Project, Coalition in Solidarity with Cuba, the Chapter of the Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, the All African People's Revolutionary Party, Friends of Sabeel, the Black Radical Congress, the Freedom Socialist Party, Radical Women, and the Islamic Association for Palestine.

Gee it's amazing how much they sound like the KKK grand wizards that used to come to Polk County, Florida a couple times a year when I was a kid growing up there. Back then the retoric was "we're pro white, not anti-black" Of course that bullshit didn't fly then and this is is pretty obvious now. .....Idiots

DailyKos: How much is the NH jamming case like Watergate?

How much is the NH jamming case like Watergate?
by kos
Mon Apr 17, 2006 at 11:04:56 AM PDT
Adam Cohen:
In 2002, there was a hard-fought Senate race between Gov. Jeanne Shaheen, the Democrat, and John Sununu, the Republican. On Election Day, Democratic workers arrived at five get-out-the-vote offices to find their phone lines jammed. It turned out that the jamming was being done by an Idaho telemarketing firm that was being paid by a Virginia consulting group. The fee for the jamming, reportedly $15,600, was paid by New Hampshire Republicans.
The executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party and the president of the Virginia consulting group pleaded guilty for their part in the scheme. James Tobin, who was the New England political director for the Republican National Committee, went to trial and was convicted of telephone harassment last December.
Now, Jack Abramoff and his Indian tribe clients have joined the cast of characters, and some records of phone calls to the White House have turned up, though the significance of both of these revelations is hotly disputed. The evidence that the phone-jamming scandal goes higher than Mr. Tobin remains scant. But the watchdogs are right about this: the news media, prosecutors and the general public should demand more information about what happened.
Cohen then draws some pretty stark parallels between this case and Watergate. I've been out of the loop the last few weeks as the book tour consumes my time, so I missed the fact that Abramoff and DeLay essentially paid for these dirty tricks.
And of course, there are the dozens of calls made by Tobin to Ken Mehlman's office at the White House.
As this all shakes out in a web of lawsuits and (hopefully) investigate journalism, we should all give a quick "kudos" to the New Hampshire Democratic Party, which has worked tirelessly and aggressively to get to the bottom of this scandal and keep it from fading away.


NOT BORED! is an anarchist, situationist-inspired, low-budget, irregularly published, photocopied journal.

Abuses of surveillance cameras
last update: 12 April 2006
We are told that surveillance cameras are never abused by their operators, each of whom can supposedly be trusted not to use the awesome technology at their disposal to engage in despicable or outright illegal behavior. But this information is false: camera-operators are not angels; they are subject to the same prejudices, temptations and corruptions that we all struggle with; camera-operators get bored or arrogant and abuse their cameras on a regular basis. To confirm this, one only has to keep up with the news being reported from around the world, which is precisely what we plan to do here, on this page, in chronological order. (Click here for a listing of protests against surveillance cameras, and here for a listing of reports citing the ineffectiveness of video surveillance as a "crime-fighting" tool.)


Ah...nightmares, nightmares. But I was only kidding. The President of the United States would never act that weird. At least not during football season. But how would the voters react if they knew the President of the United States was, according to a New York Times editorial on Oct. 12, presiding over "a complex, far-reaching and sinister operation on the part of White House aides and the Nixon campaign organization ... involving sabotage, forgery, theft of confidential files, surveillance of Democratic candidates and their families and persistent efforts to lay the basis for possible blackmail and intimidation?"